How Freon Leaks Affect Your AC Performance

Coco Chanel said that luxury must be comfortable; otherwise, it is not luxury. 

Convenience and health are the primary drivers when purchasing high-end appliances, and both are compromised when defects and glitches start popping up. 

Air conditioners have become more of a necessity than a luxury for the comfort they provide, both by absorbing the heat and removing moisture from the occupied space.


Like other mechanisms, air conditioners have problems that occur during their lifespan; a refrigerant leak is the most common one.

Refrigerants, generally labeled as freon, are stable, low-toxic gases or liquids which are inflammable. 

Cooling without refrigerant is impractical. The compressor in your AC is responsible for condensing freon into a hot gas, which passes through coils present in the central unit forming a cool liquid. 

Cooled freon absorbs heat from the space exposed and pushes cool air out, providing comfort to the occupants. 

This article centralizes on the various ways in which freon leaks affect the performance of your air-conditione

Freon is the blood of your AC unit, and if the supply of refrigerant decreases for some reason, it disturbs the whole cycle, affecting the efficiency with which hot air is absorbed and cool air released. Hence, the time taken to cool down the desired space is comparatively longer.

Raises the electricity bill

Generally, it takes about 20 minutes or less to cool a room. After twenty minutes, the temperature will continue to plummet to an uncomfortably cool temperature within about an hour. Setting the thermometer lower will not make the AC work faster.

Thermostats keep a check on the room temperature and turn the unit off automatically when the pre-entered temperature level is reached. But when freon is leaking, the amount of time it takes to cool a space is prolonged, and the AC motor requires more power than usual, causing the bills to spike.

Reduced airflow

Sometimes with low levels of refrigerant, air conditioning systems do produce cool air, but the efficiency is compromised, and the airflow is reduced. The overall performance is affected, and comfort levels are lower.

Leaking refrigerants can cause warm air to blow through AC vents, and the problem gets worse without proper refrigerant charge. 

Ice on the evaporator coils

The constant cycle of hot air being absorbed from inside and released outside is disrupted when the freon levels are low. The refrigerant reduction lowers the air pressure within the close circuit of evaporator coils, bringing the temperature down. This causes ice build-up on the coil, further restricting airflow.

It is to be kept in mind that refrigerant never gets used up in the AC unit inside a sealed circuit system. The only possible reason why freon could be low is that it's leaking through some opening. It is best to have a certified professional service and repair the unit, as direct contact with freon is harmful and should be avoided.

 A routine check-up of the freon level in your AC unit by a licensed technician can ensure uninterrupted cooling while saving you money and keeping you in the lap of luxury.

Stud Air Conditioning is a full-service installation, maintenance, and repair HVAC company serving  Broward, Miami-Dade, West Palm Beach, and Port St. Lucie counties. Call us when you need help with your heating or cooling needs at (954)324-2905. We can help!


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