Saving money with the Nest Thermostat

During Florida winters, our pleasant days and cool nights mean the thermostat is going to get a good workout. Instead of continually running over to change the temperature, why not try a Smart thermostat, instead? A Nest Learning thermostat may solve several problems at once. Here are some points to consider about a Smart thermostat:

The Nest methodology

A Nest thermostat monitors both temperature fluctuations and family habits. It can track how much energy you're using, monitor your usage habits, and be reprogrammed from anywhere via your Smartphone. As an example, perhaps you turn your thermostat up in the evening when you're home, down while you're sleeping, back up in the morning when you're getting ready for your day, and then down once you leave the house. You can program the Nest to make those changes on your behalf.

Your schedule

A Nest can learn your schedule well enough to adjust itself without you having to visit the device several times a day. Once it learns your preferences, it will continue to keep that schedule until your habits change. It can remember that you go out every Wednesday night and will adjust the temperature accordingly. Offers changes Once your Nest learns your habits and preferences, it will suggest opportunities to alter them to save you more money. Since each degree can represent up to five percent of your electric bill, these changes are worth considering.

Nest also takes into consideration the weather and will tell you when you have been energy efficient. At the end of the month, they'll send you an email notifying you how much Nest has saved you in energy hours during the month.

Control via cell phone

Changes to your thermostat are also available through your Smartphone. If you aren't planning on coming home one evening, for example, you can program the Nest to chill out until you arrive. You can change the setting from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. So, you can use your phone to adjust your thermostat setting while you are upstairs under your covers or from thousands of miles away.

Other friendly apps

Other apps can be companioned with the Nest to control the home environment even more. They include security and lighting apps designed to work with Nest to help manage these functions in your house.

Pays its way

Nest eventually pays for itself because of the savings suggestions and more accurate climate control it offers. The cost of the unit is money well spent, as a Nest will last for years. Your home should be all about your comfort. Nest can help.


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